美国电视台 联合国电视台 untvlive


https:www.un.org 联合国电视台 美国电视台 联合国 2019 http://www.cditv.cn/ 联合国电视台详情
World Satellite Television Network Group INC(WSTVN). was incorporated by politican,economist, Dr.Hengjie Liu in the year of 2013. Currently WSTVN have established three subsidiary corporations , there are World Television INC. ,United Nations Television,World Television(China) Co,Limited. World Satellite Television Network Group INC. holding by international organization, Governments, WSTVN is member of World Famous Brand Association(WFBA). WSTVN-1 channel is just for United nations Television, the programs provide and operate by United Nations Television INC. (UNTV), programs:World News, Morning World, Evening World, World Militarily, World Diplomacy,WSTVN-2 to WSTVN-10 are all for World Television(WTV),programs provide and operate by World Television INC. programs: World Economy, World Culture & History, World Science & Discovery, TV play series, World Movie, Global TV Shopping, World Far Education, World Brand Ranking. 联合国电台成立于1946年,世界卫视集团股份有限公司2013年由政治家、经济学家刘恒杰博士创立。现在已经有世界电视台股份有限公司、联合国电视台股份有限公司、世界卫视(中国)股份有限公司三家子级公司。世界卫视集团由国际组织和国家控股,世界卫视集团是世界名牌协会的成员企业。世界卫视第一台即联合国电视台全球播放各国政府的正点新闻,主要节目:世界新闻联播、早安世界、晚安世界、世界军事、世界外交。世界卫视二台-十台即世界电视台:世界经济、文化历史、科技发明、电视剧、在线电影、全球购物、远程教学、世界名牌排行榜。